Thursday, March 29, 2007


What can be learned about farewells, death, life, family and friends.... as we go we loose but we also gain. Is so hard to let go of the past... is a scary feeling getting into the future. It so so much that is left behind.

You can't take a picture of this, is already gone!!

I'll be back and comment more...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Vivo en un país libre
cual solamente puede ser libre
en esta tierra,
en este instante
y soy feliz porque soy gigante.
Amo a una mujer clara
que amo y me ama
sin pedir nada
o casi nada,
que no es lo mismo
pero es igual.
Y si esto fuera poco,
tengo mis cantos
que poco a poco
muelo y rehago habitando el tiempo,
como le cuadra a un hombre despierto.
Soy feliz,
soy un hombre feliz,
y quiero que me perdonen
por este día
los muertos de mi felicidad.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nate Sr.: You hang on to your pain like it means something. Like it's worth something. Well, let me tell you - it's not worth shit. Let it go! Infinite possibilities, and all he can do is whine.

David: Well, what am I supposed to do?

Nate Sr.: What do you think? You can do *anything* you lucky bastard - you're alive! What's a little pain compared to that?

David: It can't be that simple.

Nate Sr.: What if it is?